Patient fund
The Wembury Surgery Patient Fund needs you to help us maintain and improve facilities without compromising the services we provide.
Surgery Equipment Fund
The fund was established in 1988 since when many items of valuable medical equipment have been presented to Wembury Surgery.
Money is mainly raised through generous donations from appreciative residents, often in memory of loved ones.
Previous assistance in these projects:-
- Waiting Room automated door access
- Upgrading to a new flat roof “Warm Roof” System for more energy efficient and comfortable consultation rooms.
- Consulting Room Examination Couches
- Enhanced training for reception staff
- Partitioning to provide additional work stations
- 12-hour Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitors
- Ergonomic equipment for dispensary
- ECG machine
- Waiting Room water dispenser and public radio licence
In the future we hope to:-
- Replace the waiting room flooring
- Upgrade the furniture in the waiting and consulting rooms
- Improve our website and digital services
- Upgrade and update clinical equipment and facilities
- Provide enhanced staff training

Please speak to reception or dispensary if you wish to donate.